Sunday, May 16, 2010

Equal parts elation and full-blown panic

I'm thrilled. Excited, panic-stricken, elated, worried, and most of all, thrilled.
The second New Hamburg Live! Festival of the Arts is two and a half weeks away. Nancy and I started this thing... with a lot of help from our friends... last year, taking an enormous chance, financially backing the thing ourselves with no guarantees.
We broke even, which allowed me to again sleep at night.
This year, the only things that have changed are 1) we have a good reputation based on last year and 2) our budget is about 25% higher. We still have no financial guarantees, and we're still praying to break even (thus, the panicky
and worried part of the equation).
Some people assume we're nuts... for the second straight year, we've done this as volunteers, putting in an enormous number of hours for free (along with, as noted above, other volunteers who also make a big commitment).
Nuts? Maybe. Except we really believe we are building something tremendous for and in this community.
The excited and elated and downright thrilled part comes in when I look at the program we're presenting this year.
Full disclosure: I'm not the sole decision-maker ­-- Nancy and our music director and friend, Vicki St. Pierre have a huge role in deciding who we bring to the Festival. In fact, they have veto over any of my suggestions, and they have been known to use it.
None the less, one of my goals each year is to bring some acts that are, quite simply, performers I have always wanted to hear. Or, in the case of one particular guy this year, to hear again.
Nancy and Vicki proceed on the same basis, as does Kristen Hahn, who arranges the literary events, and the result is a dynamic, eclectic, wonderful menu of music, art and literature.
I cannot wait to enjoy the Toronto All Star Big Band -- and I have just learned that some swing dancers are planning to dance their socks off at the opening gala, Wednesday. That's gonna be a tonne of fun.
The professional performers involved in the Best of Gilbert and Sullivan night (Thursday) have been rehearsing assiduously -- they see our Festival as an important and high-end event, and they're preparing appropriately. On the other hand, our MC for that evening, actor Barry MacGregor, emailed to ask if he should wear a suit or a dress, so there is apparently some room for the outrageous. Hurrah.
We have one afternoon concert ­ Friday afternoon, with Capella Intima. I had the good luck to see and hear this concert performed a few months ago, and I promise that all of you who seize this unique opportunity will be very pleased.
Many long-time New Hamburg people are delighted that we're bringing the Elmer Iseler singers to town ­ I have heard from several people about their early musical connection with the late Elmer Iseler. That is going to be a special Friday evening.
Saturday, one of my long-time wishes comes true. I first heard Quartette on CBC Radio, and immediately bought a CD. They have a wonderful, authentic sound ­--
four talented women, each a star in her own right, together one of those occasional bright constellation that musical collaborations can cause. I cannot wait.
I'm just as eager to see what the amazing Ken Whiteley brings to us, this time around, in the choral workshop and the Sunday afternoon gospel/bluegrass concert at Steinmann church. As I write, we have more than three dozen local singers signed by for the workshop and the choir; all are welcome, and I hope we can double that number.
I haven't even mentioned the 17 artists (whose work I have seen on line, and I think you're gonna like the talent and the variety) or the two author events ­-- and I commend Kristen for snagging some of the hottest fiction novelists on the best-seller lists right now.
Buy your tickets, and come to the best five-day music, art and book party anywhere. Like me, you'll be thrilled. Promise.

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